Join Us In Paradise!! Kousei Island
Mar 23, 2017 14:07:58 GMT -4
Join Us In Paradise!! Kousei Island
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Spring, Year One
May 1st - July 1st
It has been a late winter and late spring, and in most places, there is still a couple inches of snow on the ground. The air is still cold in the mornings and nights, usually warming to around 5-8 C° midday. So it's best to keep bundled up for the time being! Frequent thunderstorms and rainshowers.
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May 16th
The site is open, and roleplaying is beginning! All are welcome to jump in on the action, so join now! Hurry if you wish to take one of the Ruling Ranks, such as Alpha or King!
Month Day
Duis at elit id tortor luctus condimentum. Nam erat velit, ultricies malesuada nibh ut, molestie luctus tellus. Donec varius nisi quis nunc convallis venenatis. Pellentesque orci dui, ultricies sit amet mi at, tincidunt mollis mauris. Mauris viverra tellus nec sapien accumsan pellentesque. Nulla tristique porttitor commodo.
Month Day
Duis at elit id tortor luctus condimentum. Nam erat velit, ultricies malesuada nibh ut, molestie luctus tellus. Donec varius nisi quis nunc convallis venenatis. Pellentesque orci dui, ultricies sit amet mi at, tincidunt mollis mauris. Mauris viverra tellus nec sapien accumsan pellentesque. Nulla tristique porttitor commodo.
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Of the Months
"love struck" premade theme by alisha of adoxography // november 2013